Champions of the Beard: January’s Start of a Year Long Series
by Bill Alley, Broadca
smith and Beard AdvocateWe at Beardsley came to a realization of late: we thrive on themes. From the shampoos featuring renderings of famous beards of history to year-long showcasing aspects of bearding we keep our mission alive while discovering amazing people, events and their whiskered journeys. As 2018 was closing, new opportunities were springing up that are taking the Beardsley brand and presence to places we didn’t see coming; fans of the products who have opened doors to serve our bearded brothers right where they work, play and serve. At the heart of it all the Beardsley Gazette has been the printed word of record and our persuasive footprint in the Beard movement.
In the two-plus years the Gazette has shared experiences, photography and research we have become a trusted ‘heavyweight’ in the beard’s phenomenal rise and strong staying power. The bearded around us—though a common thing wherever one travels—each have their reasons for remaining hirsute, happy and harmonious to the environs they occupy and own.
This month we the stage for Beardsley’s Bearded Champions with a bit of variety! There’s a great line-up some of the best whiskered, whimsical and WOW-factor facial frocks that make the cut as this month’s Beard Champions. Check out the main link in SoundCloud and take a look and listen to the additional links mentioned in this month’s podcast.
Got Some Rocking Whiskers of Your Own?
by Bill Alley, Broadca
smith and Beard AdvocateShow us yours and we’ll share them with the world! Beards, Goatees, Moustaches; your style rates with us and your best photo just might become a part of our wall of 2019 Bearded Champions.
Send entries to . All entries consideration must be received by the 20th day of the month. One entry per person per month permitted.
We will highlight the winning monthly entries in the following month’s Gazette and archives. No purchase necessary to enter.
Champions of the Beard: January’s Start of a Year Long Series
by Bill Alley, Broadca
smith and Beard AdvocateWe at Beardsley came to a realization of late: we thrive on themes. From the shampoos featuring renderings of famous beards of history to year-long showcasing aspects of bearding we keep our mission alive while discovering amazing people, events and their whiskered journeys. As 2018 was closing, new opportunities were springing up that are taking the Beardsley brand and presence to places we didn’t see coming; fans of the products who have opened doors to serve our bearded brothers right where they work, play and serve. At the heart of it all the Beardsley Gazette has been the printed word of record and our persuasive footprint in the Beard movement.
In the two-plus years the Gazette has shared experiences, photography and research we have become a trusted ‘heavyweight’ in the beard’s phenomenal rise and strong staying power. The bearded around us—though a common thing wherever one travels—each have their reasons for remaining hirsute, happy and harmonious to the environs they occupy and own. The ‘beard nod’, that ‘hey brother, great beard’ unspoken gesture never gets old, and it is a communal sign of brotherhood.
But things were not always so. One only needs to look back to the 18th century Elizabethan standards of shorn men (and for the nobles, powdered wigs) and the 20th century demand of industry that men confirm to a business model tailored and packaged to ‘youthful uniformity’—aka, “Clean” shaved. Men like myself have rejected the very notion that shaving is ‘clean’; science reveals mounting evidence proving beards can and do ward off disease and are a natural protector of male skin. New research emerged several months ago reinforcing the beard attributing to improving health, and we will be showcasing this and other collaborative studies.
Every bearded man who shuns the razor, or educates the masses as to the benefits of facial hair, or just says plainly ‘this is my beard, my face, and my business—not yours’ exercises Beard Champion behavior. He knows the whisker is not grotesque or sinful or sinister; he’s not fooled by fashion or conned into a transformation into someone else’s image. He is aware of his individualism as a strength and of his brotherhood with others as mutual respect and dignity. It does not make him less of a person; on the contrary, bearded men have the inner vitality, virility, attractiveness and determination to live in defiance to whims, joyfully being themselves.
History is always on the side of endurance, and like every cycle, the naysayers only have so much sway. This movement has enjoyed 14 years of unstoppable growth; real men are back and masculinity is not self-examining anymore. The Bearded are championing life as steadfast to themselves, their families and friends, and each other. It’s a perfect launch into a full and bright year of showcasing the outstanding finds and stories these men carry.
If you have a beard journey to share we encourage you to do so; reach out to us at—Bill